Commercial Walnut Oil Press Machine

The oil press machine has widely usage for commercial use.  It can make walnut oil, peanut oil, groundnut oil, almond oil etc nuts oil.

After reduction press force to the main shaft pressing screw is mounted on the spindle with the rotation of the oil between the threads continue to move forward, because the space between the pressing screw pressing the tapered bore, the fuel density increases, Therefore, the pressure gradually increased. In the process of pressing, due to the automatic heat of the machine, by the automatic temperature control device, increase the temperature of the host body, thereby reducing labor intensity, the oil body wear and tear, labor-saving, energy saving, time-saving, oil particles Between, oil and friction between parts, have a heat.

Walnut Oil Press Machine Description:
High oil yield – Compared with the old equipment, the normal oil yield can be higher than 4 to 6 percentage points per kilogram of peanut oil processing 4-6 pounds on average, the annual economic benefits are impressive.
Energy-saving – the same output low power 40%, with an average of 6 degrees per hour to save electricity, production can save 30 yuan electricity.
Labor-saving 60% labor savings with the same output. Organizations can be organized by 1 to 2 people. Labor-saving costs can be saved by about 40 yuan per day.
Wide use – a multi-purpose machine, squeezed peanuts, sesame seeds, rapeseed, soybean, sunflower, flax and other 20 kinds of oil crops. Three squeezed, squeezed net again.
Pure oil – vacuum filtration residue, to ensure pure oil, in line with health and quarantine standards.
Small footprint – Oilfield only 10-20 square meters will be able to meet production needs.

Walnut oil press machine performance and features:
1, The machine is small, covers an area of ​​less, easy to learn, easy to understand, easy to operate, no special requirements for the operator. 2, can be installed to the electric tricycle, agricultural machines, mobile now press (sell) take.
3, the process of using the machine, do not have electricity, all kinds of costs less
4, the machine is hydraulic machine, high pressure.

Contact information:
Skype: serenayan666
Whatsapp/Mobile: +8618595717505


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Butter Machine

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